Dear Special Blogging Friends,
Welcome to Haiku Challenge 2012 !
The Haiku Challenge is a Haiku writing challenge that runs from February 1 to February 29 and I am hosting the challenge for the second time successively. After tasting the success of Few Miles Haiku Challenge and The Heights of Haiku Challenge last year, I am hoping to see more and more people participating in this year. Fingers Crossed....
I love to throw this Challenge to everyone, any blogger interested to take part in the challenge to try his or her hand at it. Write in your blog and share the link in comment section or in the linky tools available in that day post for the challenge, here at Few Miles ~ In your post, do include the code provided for that day, so that your readers would know and if they love this challenge, can take part. If you don’t have a blog but you are poet in your heart and you tweet your poems in Twitter then you can very well participate this time in the challenge. Simply tweet your Haiku in the below format #FMHCD @FewMiles PS: Link is not mandatory but after #FMHCD type '1' for Day 1 (#FMHCD1), '2' for Day 2 (#FMHCD2) and … Also, people who write in their blog can tweet their links as well.
Sample Twitter Code with Haiku:
Here is the badge for the challenge, please display it in your sidebar so that your readers can learn about this challenge. PS: The below badge code is updated to fit in the sidebar as well as in your post..
PS: Never tried this form of poetry? Here is a small guide for you...
What is a Haiku?
Haiku, is a form of Japanese Poetry, three-lined non-rhyming poem consisting of 17 syllables, in three phrases 5-7-5 syllable respectively.
This one is close to my heart, and as a sample to you…
I write from my heart
mirrors the true love with words
few miles’ journey
5 – 7 – 5 Syllable Structure
How to Count Syllables?
Here is a wonderful website to learn how to count syllables? Stop and learn the technique, do you think it is tough? I do not think so...
Is it that tough? No worries, count your syllables here…
and here you go................
Day 1 – February 1st – Theme: Freestyle.
Feel free to write a Haiku as you wish and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 1 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 1
Day 2 – February 2nd – Theme or Word: Mother
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Mother'. and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 2 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 2
Day 3 – February 3rd – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 3 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 3
Day 4 – February 4th – Theme: Opposite Emotions
Write a Haiku for the Theme Opposite Emotions (Happy & Sad, Laugh & Tear, Hatred & Love or any) and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 4 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 4
Day 5 – February 5th – Theme: 'Ur' Choice - Form: Acrostic Haiku - To write "Acrostic Haiku", use a three letter word, say EYE, and write a Haiku with first line starting with 'E' - syllable count (5), second line starting with 'Y' - syllable count (7), and the last line starting with 'E' - syllable count (5). Stop by here for a sample. Please choose any three letter word for this prompt. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns.
Write an Acrostic Haiku for a theme of your choice and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 5 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 5
Day 6 – February 6th – Theme or Word: Think Form: Haiku & Pi-Ku - Pi-Ku, is a derived form with syllable structure 3-1-4. Stop by here for a sample. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku and Pi-Ku for the Theme or Word - Think and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 6 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 6
Day 7 – February 7th – Theme: Life Form: Haiga Paint/Write your Imagination on an Image for the theme. Use paint, microsoft powerpoint, photoshop or any software to write a Haiku about Life using any inspiring image. Stop by here for a sample. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku (Haiga) on an old Image or create an Image with Haiku for the Theme - 'Life' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 7 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 7
Day 8 – February 8th – Quote: This Above All, To Thine Own Self Be True
Use all or part of the above Quote in your Haiku and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 8 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 8
Day 9 – February 9th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 9 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 9
Day 10 – February 10th – Write a Haiku describing about a Special day in your life...
Write a Haiku describing about a Special day in your life and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 10 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 10
Day 11 – February 11th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 11 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 11
Day 12 – February 12th – Theme or Word: Colours Form: Naisaiku Stop by here for a complete guide on Naisaiku. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt and many thanks to Andy Sewina for providing this wonderful link.
Write a Naisaiku for the Theme or Word - 'Colours' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 12 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 12
Day 13 – February 13th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 13 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 13
Day 14 – February 14th – Theme or Word: Love or Valentine
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Love' or 'Valentine' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 14 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 14
Day 15 – February 15th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 15 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 15
Day 16 – February 16th – Theme or Word: Sin Form: Haibun - A HAIBUN is a literary composition that combines prose and haiku. PS: Prose + Haiku less than or equal to 150 Words.
Write a Haibun for the Theme or Word - 'Sin' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 16 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 16
Day 17 – February 17th – Theme or Word: Wait + Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below + Theme 'Wait' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 17 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 17
Day 18 – February 18th – Theme or Word: Famine
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Famine' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 18 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 18
Day 19 – February 19th – Theme: Seasons Type: Kigo - is nothing but a Japanese word associated with a particular season, used in Japanese Haiku. So write a Haiku on your Favorite season. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku for the Theme - 'Seasons' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 19 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 19
Day 20 – February 20th – Quote: Live out of your imagination, not your history
Use all or part of the above Quote in your Haiku and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 20 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 20
Day 21 – February 21st – Theme: Dedication
Write one, or set of Haiku for the Theme - 'Dedication' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 21 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 21
Day 22 – February 22nd – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 22 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 22
Day 23 – February 23rd – Theme: Joy of Giving Form: (ABC, CDE, EFA) - Haiku
+-- Click here for a sample..
Write Haiku in the form of (ABC, CDE, EFA) for the Theme or Word - 'Joy of Giving' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 23 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 23
Day 24 – February 24th – Words: Dream Walks
Write a Haiku using the words - 'Dream Walks' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 24 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 24
Day 25 – February 25th – Theme or Word: Cult Form: - Haiku Structure: - 3-5-3
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Cult' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 25 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day
Day 26 – February 26th – Theme: Food for Thought - Paint any of the Image Below
Write a Haiku inspired any of the Images below as a Food for Thought and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 26 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 26
Day 27 – February 27th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 27 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 27
Day 28 – February 28th – Theme or Word: YOUR BLOG NAME FORM: Haiku + Any Poetry Form of your Wish, Say Naisaiku, Villanelle, Sonnet or any...
Write a Haiku, or Naisaiku, Villanelle or any form of Poetry as you wish for the Theme or Word - 'YOUR BLOG NAME' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 28 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 28
Day 29 – February 29th – Theme or Word: Journey
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Journey' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 29 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 29
The haiku challenge is to write a Haiku a day, so please do not share the link of your old post that fits the theme. Write on the day as per the schedule and you can combine the challenge posts with any other meme or prompts as you wish. You can write one or more than one Haiku for a theme or image except on Day 23 or as per the rules mentioned with the prompts and link (in linky tools or in comment section) it in that day challenge post.
PS: I will visit each of the posts at the challenge and leave a comment for sure, and if I find it to be hurting someone in any way, I will remove the link from the comments section or from linky tools.
PS: To know about the Haiku Challenge and winners of last year please stop by here. To read the entries that participated last year please stop by here.
Do leave your footprints......................
Special thanks to Becca and Dani for their feedback which helped me to provide more info about the challenge. Write to me using 'Contact Me' if you have any concerns or doubts. Thanks and SmileS..
Also, share this special news with your friends in social networks by sharing this post. Do invite your friends using the send button below. Spread the word to enjoy the words.
Welcome to Haiku Challenge 2012 !
The Haiku Challenge is a Haiku writing challenge that runs from February 1 to February 29 and I am hosting the challenge for the second time successively. After tasting the success of Few Miles Haiku Challenge and The Heights of Haiku Challenge last year, I am hoping to see more and more people participating in this year. Fingers Crossed....
29 days – 29 Haiku - Wow! That sounds great right.
I love to throw this Challenge to everyone, any blogger interested to take part in the challenge to try his or her hand at it. Write in your blog and share the link in comment section or in the linky tools available in that day post for the challenge, here at Few Miles ~ In your post, do include the code provided for that day, so that your readers would know and if they love this challenge, can take part. If you don’t have a blog but you are poet in your heart and you tweet your poems in Twitter then you can very well participate this time in the challenge. Simply tweet your Haiku in the below format #FMHCD @FewMiles PS: Link is not mandatory but after #FMHCD type '1' for Day 1 (#FMHCD1), '2' for Day 2 (#FMHCD2) and … Also, people who write in their blog can tweet their links as well.
Sample Twitter Code with Haiku:
Here is the badge for the challenge, please display it in your sidebar so that your readers can learn about this challenge. PS: The below badge code is updated to fit in the sidebar as well as in your post..
Do you wish to participate? Then please fill the registration form because I need your details to compile the result and am going to give away surprise prizes too.
PS: Never tried this form of poetry? Here is a small guide for you...
What is a Haiku?
Haiku, is a form of Japanese Poetry, three-lined non-rhyming poem consisting of 17 syllables, in three phrases 5-7-5 syllable respectively.
This one is close to my heart, and as a sample to you…
I write from my heart
mirrors the true love with words
few miles’ journey
5 – 7 – 5 Syllable Structure
How to Count Syllables?
Here is a wonderful website to learn how to count syllables? Stop and learn the technique, do you think it is tough? I do not think so...
Is it that tough? No worries, count your syllables here…
and here you go................
Day 1 – February 1st – Theme: Freestyle.
Feel free to write a Haiku as you wish and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 1 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 1
Day 2 – February 2nd – Theme or Word: Mother
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Mother'. and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 2 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 2
Day 3 – February 3rd – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 3 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 3
Day 4 – February 4th – Theme: Opposite Emotions
Write a Haiku for the Theme Opposite Emotions (Happy & Sad, Laugh & Tear, Hatred & Love or any) and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 4 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 4
Day 5 – February 5th – Theme: 'Ur' Choice - Form: Acrostic Haiku - To write "Acrostic Haiku", use a three letter word, say EYE, and write a Haiku with first line starting with 'E' - syllable count (5), second line starting with 'Y' - syllable count (7), and the last line starting with 'E' - syllable count (5). Stop by here for a sample. Please choose any three letter word for this prompt. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns.
Write an Acrostic Haiku for a theme of your choice and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 5 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 5
Day 6 – February 6th – Theme or Word: Think Form: Haiku & Pi-Ku - Pi-Ku, is a derived form with syllable structure 3-1-4. Stop by here for a sample. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku and Pi-Ku for the Theme or Word - Think and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 6 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 6
Day 7 – February 7th – Theme: Life Form: Haiga Paint/Write your Imagination on an Image for the theme. Use paint, microsoft powerpoint, photoshop or any software to write a Haiku about Life using any inspiring image. Stop by here for a sample. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku (Haiga) on an old Image or create an Image with Haiku for the Theme - 'Life' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 7 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 7
Day 8 – February 8th – Quote: This Above All, To Thine Own Self Be True
Use all or part of the above Quote in your Haiku and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 8 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 8
Day 9 – February 9th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 9 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 9
Day 10 – February 10th – Write a Haiku describing about a Special day in your life...
Write a Haiku describing about a Special day in your life and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 10 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 10
Day 11 – February 11th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 11 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 11
Day 12 – February 12th – Theme or Word: Colours Form: Naisaiku Stop by here for a complete guide on Naisaiku. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt and many thanks to Andy Sewina for providing this wonderful link.
Write a Naisaiku for the Theme or Word - 'Colours' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 12 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 12
Day 13 – February 13th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 13 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 13
Day 14 – February 14th – Theme or Word: Love or Valentine
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Love' or 'Valentine' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 14 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 14
Day 15 – February 15th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 15 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 15
Day 16 – February 16th – Theme or Word: Sin Form: Haibun - A HAIBUN is a literary composition that combines prose and haiku. PS: Prose + Haiku less than or equal to 150 Words.
Write a Haibun for the Theme or Word - 'Sin' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 16 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 16
Day 17 – February 17th – Theme or Word: Wait + Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below + Theme 'Wait' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 17 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 17
Day 18 – February 18th – Theme or Word: Famine
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Famine' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 18 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 18
Day 19 – February 19th – Theme: Seasons Type: Kigo - is nothing but a Japanese word associated with a particular season, used in Japanese Haiku. So write a Haiku on your Favorite season. Write to me using the 'Contact Me' option if you have any concerns regarding this prompt.
Write a Haiku for the Theme - 'Seasons' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 19 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 19
Day 20 – February 20th – Quote: Live out of your imagination, not your history
Use all or part of the above Quote in your Haiku and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 20 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 20
Day 21 – February 21st – Theme: Dedication
Write one, or set of Haiku for the Theme - 'Dedication' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 21 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 21
Day 22 – February 22nd – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 22 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 22
Day 23 – February 23rd – Theme: Joy of Giving Form: (ABC, CDE, EFA) - Haiku
+-- Click here for a sample..
three line journey starts
right from many happy hearts
Celebrates the art
Celebrates the art
Cherishes the sweet memoirs
of the times we grow
of the times we grow
Let further miles we cross, a
three line journey starts
right from many happy hearts
Celebrates the art
Celebrates the art
Cherishes the sweet memoirs
of the times we grow
of the times we grow
Let further miles we cross, a
three line journey starts
Write Haiku in the form of (ABC, CDE, EFA) for the Theme or Word - 'Joy of Giving' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 23 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 23
Day 24 – February 24th – Words: Dream Walks
Write a Haiku using the words - 'Dream Walks' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 24 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 24
Day 25 – February 25th – Theme or Word: Cult Form: - Haiku Structure: - 3-5-3
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Cult' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 25 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day
Day 26 – February 26th – Theme: Food for Thought - Paint any of the Image Below
Write a Haiku inspired any of the Images below as a Food for Thought and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 26 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 26
Day 27 – February 27th – Theme: Paint the Image
Write a Haiku inspired by the Image below and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 27 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 27
Day 28 – February 28th – Theme or Word: YOUR BLOG NAME FORM: Haiku + Any Poetry Form of your Wish, Say Naisaiku, Villanelle, Sonnet or any...
Write a Haiku, or Naisaiku, Villanelle or any form of Poetry as you wish for the Theme or Word - 'YOUR BLOG NAME' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 28 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 28
Day 29 – February 29th – Theme or Word: Journey
Write a Haiku for the Theme or Word - 'Journey' and link your post on that Day Challenge Post. Please click here to redirect to Day 29 Haiku Challenge Post. Use the below code in your blog post for Day 29
The haiku challenge is to write a Haiku a day, so please do not share the link of your old post that fits the theme. Write on the day as per the schedule and you can combine the challenge posts with any other meme or prompts as you wish. You can write one or more than one Haiku for a theme or image except on Day 23 or as per the rules mentioned with the prompts and link (in linky tools or in comment section) it in that day challenge post.
PS: I will visit each of the posts at the challenge and leave a comment for sure, and if I find it to be hurting someone in any way, I will remove the link from the comments section or from linky tools.
PS: To know about the Haiku Challenge and winners of last year please stop by here. To read the entries that participated last year please stop by here.
Do leave your footprints......................
Special thanks to Becca and Dani for their feedback which helped me to provide more info about the challenge. Write to me using 'Contact Me' if you have any concerns or doubts. Thanks and SmileS..
Also, share this special news with your friends in social networks by sharing this post. Do invite your friends using the send button below. Spread the word to enjoy the words.

Thank you for visiting Few Miles. If you would like to contact me for advertisements, sponsorships, book reviews, product reviews, website reviews, giveaways, contests, or to provide feedback on my writing, please email me at You can also fill out a form online or write to me anonymously on this site. Your support and encouragement as an inspiration is greatly appreciated. If you have a challenge for me, I would be happy to write about it. I believe that both constructive criticism and positive feedback can help a writer grow and improve. Please take a few minutes to leave your thoughts and feedback. Thank you for your sincere support.
"முகமறியா நண்பர்களின் கருத்துக்களே எனக்கு படிகற்கள்"
Lovely endeavor, would love to take part but I can't write haiku...I can be a good reader and learn from those participating...:)
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be a great Talent Hunt Challenge :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that I'll be taking part in this because may be I'll be having my exams..But still I will try! :)
You always come up with fascinating things! That's very nice
Keep :)
Sounds great, I will try to participate :) Great going :D
ReplyDeletehmm sounds interesting.decent writer but not good at fiction.Will give it a try!
ReplyDeleteinteresting challenge...def not me on haiku...the counting kills me...smiles....happy sunday!
ReplyDelete@ Saru Singhal
ReplyDeleteLovely endeavor, would love to take part but I can't write haiku...I can be a good reader and learn from those participating...:)
Saru, it is very very easy to write Haiku.. I will guide you for sure..
Someone is Special
@ Simran
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be a great Talent Hunt Challenge :)
I'm not sure that I'll be taking part in this because may be I'll be having my exams..But still I will try! :)
You always come up with fascinating things! That's very nice
Keep :)
Of course it is Little one.. Glad you will be part of this challenge. Happy...
Someone is Special
@ Shreya
ReplyDeleteSounds great, I will try to participate :) Great going :D
Good Shreya.. do participate...
Someone is Special
@ Rohit Singh
ReplyDeletehmm sounds interesting.decent writer but not good at fiction.Will give it a try!
Do try the splendid form Rohit.. and Welcome to Few MileS..
Someone is Special
@ Brian Miller
ReplyDeleteinteresting challenge...def not me on haiku...the counting kills me...smiles....happy sunday!
ha ha.. but I wish you should try it once. SmileS brian..
Someone is Special
I think you knew that you could count me in! I live and breathe haiku in my daily photography posts!
ReplyDeleteHello Saravana.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea & a wonderful way to encourage & inspire our blogging friends.
Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately, I will not be taking part, but I will be checking in on some of the entries.
All the best with this, my friend!
Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn
One fine day I will learn writing Haiku from U dude.... :)
ReplyDeleteWell I will try and I have already filled in the participation form.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Pi-Ku? (Day 6)
SiS -- Need another clarification please. What is a Nisaiku? What is the form? Thanks! ~~ becca
ReplyDeleteDifficult prompts this time.. hope i survive like last year !
ReplyDeleteI can't find the Mister Linky thingy???
ReplyDeleteSiS, Please can we have a clickable link to the Mister Linky thingy, I really don't know how I founfd it in the first place, and now it seems to have disappeared altogether???
ReplyDeleteNew to this challenge, and excited. Hope I'm doing this right, this time. Mine is here:
ReplyDelete@ Gemma Wiseman
ReplyDeleteGemma, It is my pleasure to have you here.. SmileS.. and Happy Challenge to you...
Someone is Special
@ Andy
ReplyDeleteAndy, Thank you so much.. I will be happy if you write for the challenge.. All the best in advance and thank you so much for your wishes..
Someone is Special
@ Aamir
ReplyDeleteOne fine day I will learn writing Haiku from U dude.... :)
Aamir, you are welcome.. I wish to teach you man..
Someone is Special
@ Chèvrefeuille
ReplyDeleteMost welcome.. Happy to have you here bro..
Someone is Special
@ becca givens
ReplyDeleteBecca, I will add a description for each of rules or form mentioned there..
Someone is Special
@ becca givens
ReplyDeleteSure will add a brief explanation above...
Someone is Special
@ RaNiiiiii
ReplyDeleteDifficult prompts this time.. hope i survive like last year !
Happy! and I am sure you are gonna complete it.. Advanced Congratulations RaNii....
Someone is Special
@ SweetTalkingGuy
ReplyDeleteI can't find the Mister Linky thingy???
Well, Andy you have to visit that day post to find it... Hmm..
Someone is Special
@ SweetTalkingGuy
ReplyDeleteSure, I will add a hyperlink to redirect to the corresponding post.. I hope it will help a lot..
Someone is Special
@ De
ReplyDeleteI can feel your excitement.. Hmm Happy to have you here.. Please click on the link to find the post..
Someone is Special
hi :)
ReplyDeletei don't find a link where to submit the day 6 haiku&pi-ku - can you please help me?!
thank you!
@ Lilly
ReplyDeleteHi Liliana.. You came a little earlier.. :-)
Someone is Special
Thanks for the challenge as always, lobe getting my mind going and still learning all facets.of haiku. Although, do not see link for day 29.
ReplyDelete@ Buddha3074
ReplyDeleteThanks for the challenge as always, lobe getting my mind going and still learning all facets.of haiku. Although, do not see link for day 29.
Thank you so much Buddha.. Pleasure to have you here in the challenge.. SmileS... I shall update it soon..