Welcome to the romantic paradise of Someone is Special. If you find Few Miles enchanting, Subscribe to my feeds, Like me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter, Heart me on Instagram, . Do you have something to say, write to me, or confess it here. Thanks! Come back for more. Someone is Special a.k.a Mr. Twister a.k.a The Smart Head (Sarav!)

From My Heart - Without You

I am bad at opening a blog post or a short story. Most of the times, I open with a quote, and support the quote with my points. Not this time...

This week is going to be really special, for bloggers, for authors, and for readers. As I said in my last post, my focus got shifted from blogging to books and manuscripts. My next anthology, my first compilation, Friendship Bonds Beyond Time: a collection of twenty-five wonderful stories, is going to be released on September 17, 2015, Ganesh Chathurthi. The book will be available on Flipkart and Amazon. Support all the authors published in the book. Please buy the book, read all the stories, and share your feedback with us.

The results of my second compilation "Colors Different Shades Of Life" will be out on the same day. Thanks to Shades Publications for the wonderful support. I thank the guest authors for their contribution and I wish good luck to all the entrants.

How's this?

This template will take you closer to your dreams on September 17, 2015! #ColorsDSOL #Results

Posted by Colors: Different Shades Of Life on Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Another good news: Shades Publications will launch their website on the same day. It is going to be a very BIG DAY for all of us! I am looking forward to it.

Storizen, an online magazine, has come up with a new campaign “How did you conceive?”. The campaign is good, and it is picking up slowly. I read a few response and I found Adite Banerjie’s response and Shobhan Bantwal’s response engaging. In case, if you like the concept, do send in your response and get featured.

A Software Engineer’s life is not a happy tale to be printed in words, as he or she has to undergo a lot of troubles to sustain in the industry. Here is a cry which I scribbled a year back inspired by a few people here. And this poem has been published in Storizen.
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Here you go... the quote for the week is... (wrote this when my lovable wife was ill and admitted in hospital for long)



#quote #quotes #missingyou #MissYou #Life #love #missingyouquotes #missing #IAmSarav

A photo posted by Saravana Kumar Murugan (@iamsarav.insta) on

For my last post, I did not receive any comments, I felt bad for the same. I understood, whoever you are, unless you are regular and dedicated, you will not be successful. I am going to start blog hop from this weekend. I would be happy to read fresh blogs instead of mere brand promoters. Hoping and wishing to see my regular readers back to this place. Will you comeback to read me? I will leave it to time to answer.

Till then, take care.

Have a great week ahead!

Prost! (Cheers)
Copyrighted to Someone is Special
I am just a mail away!

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Thank you for visiting Few Miles. If you would like to contact me for advertisements, sponsorships, book reviews, product reviews, website reviews, giveaways, contests, or to provide feedback on my writing, please email me at sarav@iamsaravofficial.com. You can also fill out a form online or write to me anonymously on this site. Your support and encouragement as an inspiration is greatly appreciated. If you have a challenge for me, I would be happy to write about it. I believe that both constructive criticism and positive feedback can help a writer grow and improve. Please take a few minutes to leave your thoughts and feedback. Thank you for your sincere support.

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"முகமறியா நண்பர்களின் கருத்துக்களே எனக்கு படிகற்கள்"

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Thank you for leaving your footprints! Do come back for more!

  1. Congratulations on achievements :)
    Your hard work and determination is commendable. Seeing you, I believe if you are good enough then you need not rush for opportunities. They themselves will knock your door. I wish and pray that you keep excelling in all the fields. And yes, want you to see regular at blogging. I am sure you will be :)


    1. Thanks a lot little one, I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi da.. thanks for coming back... there are few who will read after many days like me... Happy blogging...

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