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Brunch to Breakfast

They say, “IT Life Sucks!” True that.

I, being an IT material, have gone through the same. In fact the words, “Brunch” and “Lunner”, are introduced to me only after falling into the crowd – a group of people who lives their life like a saint, and yet smiling, socializing, writing, cooking, cleaning, washing and doing all “-ing works” – that’s exactly like me.

When I almost forgot the words, “Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”, I shifted to a house next to Guptaji’s place, without knowing the speciality of their Nashta – the word I heard rarely in the past five years. Day one was no special. I dumped all my stuffs in a room, took bathe like a crow, dressed up in a formal attire, stepped out of the house, to face the day. An aroma lit up my mood, awakened my hormones, and made me feel hungry. I doubted myself for feeling hungry so early. I ignored the doubt like the bug in my code, and rushed to office.

The day was hectic. As usual. 100 lines of code – compilation completed – 1000 bugs – frustrated – had brunch – fought again with the bugs – 998 fixed – had lunner – rest two ate my head – left for the day when the last bit of light died in darkness. I slept like a dog.

The next day exactly the same replica happened and it continued for two weeks. By that time, I heard a lot of things about Guptaji’s Special Nashta – Cornflake Coconut Ladoos - Ladoo filled with goodness and sweetness, shaped like a lemon and tastes like heaven.

It excited me within, and I wanted to give it a try, but having had no interaction with Guptaji or his family, the possibility of Guptaji inviting me for having breakfast at his place was very less. In fact, I ignored such a thought, pulled my bedsheet up, and slept like a cat. Thanks to Easter Holidays, four day of bug-free and monitor-less life.

The doorbell rang. Once, twice, thrice and finally, continuously. I woke up with a start, dragged myself out of the room, and opened the door, only to be shocked. Wished it was not a dream. Of course, it was not!

“Namaste, I’m Gupta, living next door to yours, working as a LIC agent.” He said with a warm smile.

“Hello Guptaji… I’m Sid, working as an IT Professional.” I said in a sleepy tone.

“Happy Easter!” He said, adjusted his spectacles, and then continued, “Today, our chottu is turning five. We want to make his birthday special, so we have arranged for a simple breakfast at our place. Please join us if you are free.”

“Brunch to Breakfast? Nashta with Guptaji’s family. OMG! My pleasure, Guptaji, having heard a lot about your special breakfast menus, it is surely a blessing for me.” I spoke nonstop.

* * *

"For more Cornflake recipes follow the link: https://www.facebook.com/anaajkanashta" He smiled. I smiled. We smiled. Cornflake Coconut Ladoos smiled on my plate.

Intro 1

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  1. Dear,

    IT work schedule is hectic, I agree. But you have to take care of yourself. Love you!


  2. I second di :)
    Take care of yourself especially when you have a loving wife who's an excellent cook. Relish heaven :)

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