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This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 50; the fiftieth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with ​Soulmates: Love without ownership by Vinit K Bansal. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

“We broke up.” He sent a message on WhatsApp to her. He kept staring at the phone for her response for the next ten minutes, but there was none. He was clearly upset.

There was a knock at the door and then a voice spoke – his favorite person in life - “It’s me.” He opened the door and let her in.

“Don’t tell me that you broke up again.” Curious, she was.

“We did!” He did not speak another word.

“Two break-ups in the past eleven months. This is not good for you.” She said looking into his wet eyes.

“I do not know, why? Things are not working out. My expectation. My wish.” He paused, crying literally. She hugged him and said, “Okay, let her go. Maybe, she is not the right person for you.” He added, “Maybe, just maybe, I’m not the right person for love.”

It took thirty minutes for her to convince him that whatever happened was for good.

He said, “Okay, let’s not talk this, anymore. Maybe, I’m yet to find my soulmate.

She nodded her head, knowing him well – after all, they were friends for more than fifteen years now – she asked, “Shall we go for a drive?”

The mood in the air changed. He smiled. She smiled. They went out of the room happily. She raced on the road, as usual, to their favorite spot. She ordered two Chocolate Sundaes before he was about to say, “Chocolate Sundae for me.” He smiled. It was like this. Every time, he would want to tell something to her, before which she would do that. He would smile happily. She knew him bit-by-bit. And, she was his habit.

“What a girl expect in love?” He asked.

“Love and security, what else it could be?” She answered in a happy tone. She knew, for sure, he would not discuss more on the topic.

She was right. He smiled and said, “Shall we go to beach?”

She never disappointed him in their friendship. It was always, “yes-yes” to all his requests. They were standing in the beach holding hands of each other. The waves touched their feet now and then. They were enjoying the evening recalling some of the sweetest memories and adding treasures to their photo collections.

Two hours or might be three hours had gone by. They did not worry about the time, but her dad did. They had to leave.

She dropped him at his place, as usual. Before he got out of the car, she said, “It is easy to find a partner, but it is very hard to find a Soulmate.”

He smiled. She smiled. As usual. And, she left to home.

That night, at half past one in the night, he sent a photograph on WhatsApp with the text, “My Soulmate is here.

She updated her status on WhatsApp, ♥ love-struck ♥”.

No wonder, why she was HAPPY. He sent “Her” photo with the text, “My Soulmate is here.

And, they lived happily ever after.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 33
Copyrighted to Someone is Special
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  1. Finding that your best friend is your soulmate is really a wowww feeling.. Nicely written... All d best for BAT

  2. Now I'm wondering if this is your true story, Saravana :D Will ping her and ask :P

    Was expecting a longer story, coz you'd said it took you all night to write.

    1. Ping her on WhatsApp and check :P

      Unexpected comment, but it made me fly :D

  3. Now thats a cute little story... :D
    I liked the thought :)

  4. I don't know why I kind of knew what was coming since I read - they were friends for 15 years. It is a weird situation when people don't realize in time who is the most closest to them.. who is their real soul mate. May be that't the beauty or absurdity of life.

    I liked the story- it was actually cute. :)


    1. Yes, that's the beauty of life. Glad you liked it. Thank you so much Megha..

  5. Best friends can be soul mates in most of the cases! Soul mates forever. Good story. All the best for the BAT 50...:)

  6. Soulmate chord sung after 15 years of friendship n Whatsapp helping many I guess :)

  7. cute love story , it took him long enough to realize his true love, beautifully narrated

    My Blogaton#50 post Soulmates

  8. I loved how beautifully you ended it on what'sapp... I remember how I changed my relationship status on FB when R proposed.... the story was so cute... "love-struck" ofcourse :-)

    1. Glad to know that Khushi.. Yes, FB and WhatsApp are the best way to communicate our happiness no.. :D

  9. So beautiful, so lovely. I am thinking about the effect that her words left him into. He realized that she was his soul mate. This is so sweet. All the very best, Sarav. :)

  10. Hi Sarav! I have nominated your beautiful blog for the Very Inspiring Blog Award for I find your blog a real inspiring one. :) Thank You.

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