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Happy Home

This post won 'Indi Happy Hours Voucher' in A healthy child makes a happy home. campaign organized by IndiBlogger in association with Dabur Chyawanprash.

A healthy child makes a happy home. It’s true. Speaking of it, I could recall an incident that happened two years ago. It was a wedding ceremony that happened after many years in our home. The preparations started a week before the wedding. Everyone was busy and excited, almost. That was when, my nephew fell sick, cold and fever. Almost our entire family felt like they were sick. When we consulted our family doctor, he gave injections and medicines for three days, informing us that it was a viral fever and he would be fine in five days. Doctor also said that his immunity level was low and he should be given supplements to stay healthy because a healthy child makes a happy home.

Though we know that he would be fine before the marriage, still our hearts could not see the smart little boy suffer. He recovered well, but he was not active. The charm in our home was missed. The celebrations became dull. Everybody was speaking (gyan) about some or the other Ayurvedic products or supplements. We were so confused what to do. That was when our grandfather suggested giving Chyawanprash twice a day. We did the same, and it showed remarkable improvements. He became active within a day, not like before, but to an extent to uplift our mood. Suddenly the entire home, our family, friends and relatives, became happy. We clicked pictures of those precious moments, prepared sweets, performed pre-wedding rituals and were all set for the big day.

And, on the big day, he was active; in fact, super active and stole the show during the reception. His dance to “Why this Kolaveri di?” song was the highlight. Smiling Faces, Dancing Hips, Mouth-watering Sweets and Food, Colourful Environment, Beautiful Ladies, Handsome Gents, Healthy He and Two Souls – every possible reason to be happy. And so, we were happy, as the wedding happened in a grand manner. At the end of the wedding ceremony, my grandfather blessed the couple with a speech, in which, he mentioned about my nephew’s health condition and how it changed the happy moments to sad ones and finally to cheerful ones. He mentioned about kids happiness and their health role in Family’s happiness. He spoke about life in those days, Ayurveda and also mentioned about Dabur Chyawanprash role in a child’s life. And he ended the speech saying “Happy Beginnings”.

It was quite surprising to hear about “Dabur Chyawanprash” from a person of his age. As a blogger, I thought writing about the incident that happened in our family would be good. And yes, at times, when germs like bacteria and viruses can infect your body, and can make you fall sick. Your immunity system needs strengthening to be able to cope with various infections and diseases. Dabur Chyawanprash, a time-tested, age-old formulation has a number of herbs like Amla, known to be one of the best antioxidants, Giloy (Guduchi), known to have immuno-modulatory properties, and has more than 40 other natural ingredients. Its magnificent brew of Ayurvedic herbs helps to strengthen your body's internal defence mechanism - the immune system - thereby protecting you from day to day infections such as cough, cold etc.

Because A Healthy Child Makes A Happy Home.

This post is a part of A healthy child makes a happy home. campaign organized by IndiBlogger in association with Dabur Chyawanprash. For more details follow the link: https://www.liveveda.com/dabur-chyawanprash/

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  1. It's really sad when a child falls sick and it's worse when we have some ceremony around. It's kids who light up everything.

  2. I second what Saru said.
    Dabur Chyawanprash is indeed an effective method to regain immunity.

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